Phillipe Flop!

So this evening we were invited to dine with our gîte guests who were cooking a full roast dinner, complete with Yorkshire puds, roast potatoes and six types of veg! We never have roast dinner in the summer here, so it was a rare treat for us.
We took along some oysters for starters; fresh with either lemon, Tabasco or shallots in home made red wine vinegar and (the cooked)oyster po boy. Some of the group had to be taught how to eat an oyster, but they all tried and didn’t spit it out!
As with most groups, we find there is always someone who is pleasantly surprised that they actually like oysters, when they always assumed they wouldn’t! Another one converted!
If you are wondering who Philippe Flop is, ask yourself - what do you call a Frenchman wearing sandals?

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