Guiding light

I was off today and got some more admin done and went over to Kirkby Stephen to the conveyancing solicitors, calling by to say hello to St Helen’s well on my way back (extra). I couldn’t drive past and not. It was completely festooned with small flowered forget-me-not and I looked at it and said ‘as if I ever would or could...’

My friend and her husband then called by after work and we headed further along to find somewhere where we were allowed to swim. It was a lot further on than usual and lovely though it was we realised it was going to be pretty impractical after work as a general rule. Further to drive, further to walk and a bit weedy at first. It was beautiful though and here is P coming in escorted by a fairy.

Martindale deer were stood silhouetted on the crest of the Fell top as we drove away.

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