By lizzie_birkett

Bridge 161...

...is a double arched bridge on the Leeds - Liverpool Canal. 

After we left Barnoldswick yesterday we moored up somewhere near East Marton. 
At 9.30 pm we were watching telly when a loud knock on the window made us start.
Frank opened the doors to see a young boy standing on the tow path. 
He told Frank he had missed the bus from Barnoldswick after spending the day with his friends there. Lucas was only 13 and lived in Skipton, his phone was dead so he couldn't contact anyone. He told us nobody in his family can drive and his mum would be in bed as she is on medication. We told him we'd have to phone the police. Which Frank did and then we managed to find his mum and sister on Facebook so I sent them PMs.
We offered him the sofa to sleep on and could take him to Skipton next day on the boat. He refused adamantly and said he just had to get home and that he would walk. Well we couldn't force him to stay so we gave him a torch and Frank let the police know he had left at 10.15. They said they would send someone to look for him on the towpath.
An hour later his mum messaged me to say he was home and asleep in bed and that he had walked all the way. The police didn't see him anywhere.
We can't understand how he made it home so quick. We timed Frank walking alongside the boat this morning and it took him an hour to walk from where we were moored to the locks at Bank Newton which was still another 10 miles from Skipton.
It will remain a mystery. At least he got home safe and sound.

Anyway, tonight we are in Gargrave and had chippy chips for tea!
It has been a very pleasant day weather wise.

Goodnight Blippers :-)X

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