Long Lost Spork

In March of 2012 I retired and we moved to our new home in Eugene.
As we unpacked all of our stuff I realized I needed to be careful with my important things until I had definite places assigned to each of them.
I carefully put important things in obvious places where they could not be lost in the shuffle.
Despite my efforts my titanium spork went missing.
It was special gift from my son (he and I value titanium more than gold) and a utensil that I used nearly every work day at lunch for the last two years of my professional life.
Over the last nine and a half years my missing spork has become a family joke... as it is mentioned in a humorous manner whenever anything goes missing.
Fast forward 9 1/2 years... my neighbor/friend asked me to assist him today with installing a hearing loop in a local church.
We decided to save time by packing our lunches along to eat on the job.
I retrieved my old lunch sack felt a pang of nostalgia as I couldn't remember the last time I'd used it and it had gone to work with me every day once upon a time.
As I was loading my lunch items I felt a lump in the bag's front pocket and experienced sweet serendipity.
Lo and behold... there was my long lost spork.
I cleverly had insured its safety by putting it there so it would be waiting for me the next time I packed a lunch for myself.
At the time I couldn't imagine never touching that lunch sack again for nearly ten years!
We all had a good laugh and shared the joy of a happy ending in rediscovering my treasured spork.

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