A notebook image for my diary

Backblip - I've just got around to uploading this - it feels as thought it's been a busy week!

My intention had been to blip the birds feeding with the snow falling around them, but the light was just too dark and the birds silhouettes against their
background, so I've finally got around to including this image which I took as a record for my art blog. I've been exploring different ways of creating the same image using different forms of print plates. The original drawing was done for the solar print course I attended in Nottingham. Here I've been adding watercolour paint to this version which came out too pale in parts as I didn't have enough pressure on the press. I'd chosen to print in mono mainly to test out the plates and to find out where I needed to do some more work. I'll probably add some colour onto this watercolour version - a good time to experiment!

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