South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Butterfly vase

This is part of a small enamelled vase that I re-discovered recently. It had been standing around in the office with some pens in it and I thought "What a waste - bring it downstairs and actually display it!" It is literally covered in butterflies - not very realistic, but pretty I think!
Had a busy day yesterday - friends visited for the day and we then had a very long AGM at church. One of our friends has fibromyalgia and is very unwell, so she stayed at home and played a computer game with my son for 3 hours! Her fiance came to the meeting and ran the audio, and I ran the visual to project a couple of hymns. I am so easily distracted and forgot to move the words on in the first hymn for a while - fortunately one that people knew well anyway! I rarely do the visual (which I'm sure people are thankful about!) On another occasion, I started worrying about the person doing the Bible reading as they seemed so frail, and totally forgot that I was meant to be projecting the words, so they were stuck on verse one!
No snow here today - or rain yet - in fact, we've had a bit of sunshine.

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