
Managed to complete our list of jobs just in time as we are heading south in the morning.
The noise from both sides was really bad this morning, our walls are two foot thick and it sounded like the drilling was going to come through. We packed lunch and went up onto the moor for a lovely walk. Finished the garden and the painting, cleaned the bathroom and still had an hour reading. The workmen finished around four and it suddenly became lovely and quiet again.
Weather was much cooler and overcast today, in fact we didn’t sit for long after lunch as it got a bit chilly.
Passed a house on the way back down and three dogs came running out to great us, one was a five month old border collie and he just would not go back so the owner had to come and retrieve him. We got talking and I asked her about the house and buildings that have been developed over the past few year, plus seen a number of puppies in pens, turns out they breed and train borders.
The sheep I put on blip yesterday are theirs, all resting before they start the annual task around local farms.
The moor was almost purple with heather, see extra.

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