Not impressed

Shaikah must have felt hot and went and lay on cold, wet soil. Needless to say it dried and so her hair is all hard covered in mud. She was not impresses. We had to put on the big rubber gloves and give her a bath in the tub.

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 109 new cases, 0 fatalities and 90 recoveries today.

FORTY-TWO people across 10 households were infected with Covid-19 by four individuals, three of whom were children.
The ministry  said that there were 670 confirmed cases during the week (367 Bahrainis and 303 non-Bahrainis). Of these, 118 were travel-related and 552 local cases.
The ministry said the week-wise average number of cases per day dropped from 115 to 96.

US coronavirus hospitalisations hit eight-month high over 100,000. The highest level in eight months 
US Covid-19 hospitalisations have more than doubled in the past month. Over the past week, more than 500 people with Covid were admitted to hospitals each hour on average,
Florida has the highest number of Covid-19 hospitalised patients,
The United States has given at least one dose of vaccine to about 61 % of its population, according to the CDC.

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