
By BlipCommunity

BCSplash - Selfie with Selfie.

It's #BCSplash showcase time again.

We're nearing the end of our BCIntroduce challenge, so this week we have chosen this lovely photo tagged both #BCIntroduce and #BCSplash.

Blipper ArtistAnnie from the United States introduced herself by creating this selfie in front of a painting she made back in 2010. In her own words "It shows me and three of my passions: art, photography and cats."

Annie has been a blipper since 2010 and her journal tells the story of her daily life. If you don't know Annie please visit her journal and "introduce yourself" especially if you love cats and art too!

And here's one final reminder of the #BCIntroduce challenge if you haven't joined in yet. You have until the 31st of August 2021 to join in the fun.

You will find all the details here!

Would you like to see your photograph on our social media headers?

We're always on the lookout for eye-catching images to be included on our Facebook and Twitter headers as well as here on the community blog. 

Pick out a photo that would make an appealing first impression to visitors and add the tag #BCsplash.  

The images ideally should work in a banner format but we can crop them or add a border if necessary. If you're not sure but you love your image, tag it anyway.

We'd love to see you taking part, especially our newer blippers, as it is a great way to introduce yourself to everyone. Plus we really enjoy looking through your images every week.

Thank you for helping us showcase Blipfoto alongside your photos.

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