
By Mendax


My therapist, Evangeline, suggested that I start some sort of online diary, so here it is and here I am.

My name; well, that doesn't matter for now, but I'm 42 years old and married to H, who's a QC. (Strictly between ourselves, he's a bit pretentious. On Mondays and Fridays, he'll only talk to the children in dead languages - even the dog has learned the Latin for 'sit'.)

One of his hobbies, is breeding parrots. Mostly, they reside in our bathroom, because H says they enjoy the humidity, and my yucca plants. I don't mind them really, though it's slightly irritating when you're trying to relax in the bath and a bloody great macaw shits in your soap dish.

That's enough for today. 'Longo vivas tempore et bene sit', as H likes to say!

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