Continue with The Curls

Yesterday's flower had a little curl at its center; this one has several curls......I really like these little flowers. They bloom in late Summer and into the Fall until it freezes. One name for it is Crocosmia; it is the name I have always used for these little lilies that spread quickly. After they bloom, I pull them out; that helps to keep the spread controlled.

Today was a warm day and we had a pleasant time outside; but the highlight of my day was a phone call from our long time foster daughter.....she lives in NYC with an amazing career......she will be 40 years old this year. She came to live with us when she was 18 months old and lived with us on and off as needed when her Mom was struggling with life; she brought so much joy into our lives. I love that we still have a great relationship. I loved hearing the funny stories in her current life...........this morning she told me that she cut her hand which made her really angry, so as she wrapped the gushing wound and she cleaned house to distract herself..... that was an epic fail because when she opened the wrap it was still gushing a bag of sour gummy worms was her next distraction which was a fail a 5 minute walk to ER in her pajama pants and a sweatshirt was necessary, but she found a long wait....... so she detoured to another close-by  ER was finally a success because she got the necessary stitches AND a Tetanus shot. She walked home and called me.......I asked how she was and she said, "I am tired of saying 'I am fine', honestly I am having a hard time right now." Life isn't perfect for her, there are challenges even though financially she is quite secure; money isn't always the answer. I am glad she has a support group in NYC and she always has us. But then, I have her to be supportive to me is nice to have a balanced relationship at this point in our lives.

I hope you have had a phone call recently that made you happy  too.

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