In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Sit down

After yesterday's mishap, I admit I wasn't looking forward to today, calling insurance companies, getting repair quotes, etc.
But I awoke to discover several missed calls from the woman who crashed into my car and from her insurance company.
On contacting them I found them raring to go and get the repairs done, without me having to claim through my insurance.
The repair shop they use is able to take it in a week Monday. Which means I will be going down to Co. Durham with June for the Easter Holidays, even though we don't celebrate that particular holiday in Scotland.
Any after finding out that it wasn't a running around day, it was good to have a sit down relaxing one at work. Now here is hoping that my customers are going to be uncomplaining tonight.
Tentative link to the actual photo, but I believe the photo speaks for itself.

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