I was feeling better after a good night's sleep, so ready to face another day!

After lunch we met Maureen and Ian at Snitterfield Bushes, the Warwickshire Wildlife Trust Reserve we visited a couple of days ago.  Again it was very quiet there, no coppicing today,  we only saw one other visitor as we were finishing our very pleasant walk round the area.  I thought this would bee a nice pic for this week's Wildflower Week hosted by Miranda1008. 

It was getting on for 3:30 by the time we finished our walk.  M&I decided they were going home so we dashed off to The Farm, closing time 4pm on Sundays, and arrived in time for a nice cup of coffee before they shut up shop.

In other news: I'm still playing around with double exposure and produced the picture in the extras from a couple of shots in the garden this morning. 

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