
Bantry is all about the sea and once it came in much further than it does now. The Square, where St Brendan and Wolfe Tone now reside, was reclaimed and is more or less floating over sea and a river, consequently the flooding can be fast and horrendous. Amazingly, on the right hand side, the railway went all the way down to the end and a pier, closed in the 1960s and all that remains are bridges and a locomotive shed in the supermarket car park! On the left was docks and warehouses until a new and very controversial hotel was built a few years ago.  Negative space but giving a rather nice floatiness. And there are swans.
A busyish day - housekeeping and useful stuff in the morning, more spreadsheet in the afternoon (nearly done) followed by a very invigorating swim. The weather remains good if slightly more cloudy today and the schools have returned.
PS  - there was phosphorescence!  I went down to Kitchen Cove at around 10pm. It was pitch black and something was jumping around in the water - it sounded large. But I paddled and splashed and little sparkles and glitters occurred! I fancied a swim but was remarkably sensible and thought swimming in the pitch-black on my own was probably not a brilliant idea - especially with something large splashing in the vicinity.

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