If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

Cucumber flower. (Cucumis sativus)

A truly desperation blip.  Today has been spent getting the second and most of the third coat of stain blocking primer on the Summerhouse.  By the time we had finished it was evening meal time.  I was relaxing after the meal when I realised I hadn't even picked up the camera today and the light was failing.

In my quick gallop round the garden I popped my head into the greenhouse.  I knew I hadn't blipped anything to do with the crop so settled on this flower as it was high and had the best of what light was left.

Cucumbers are in the same family as squashes which at first seems strange to me but on consideration they really are similar.  Interestingly the group is called Cucurbitaceae, which suggests to me the Cucumber was seen as the most important, probably because of its use in western civilisations.

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