Geese in thier hundreds

I heard them first as I set off through the woods this morning with Molly, so I came back along by the wheat field which has been harvested but the straw not bailed yet and sure enough there were at least a hundred geese picking and poking about, which shows how much grain must be lost onto the field, the photo shows just a few they ranged either side of these lot. 
This is a different place to the last picture I put as this is near to the RSPB reserve Fairburn Ings.

Yesterday Kirsty called to see us she was telling me that she had just had to pay out £190 for covid tests for her and Caitlin as they are going to Lanzarotta next week. I think she said Caitlin has to have one before she goes as she is not vaccinated being only 14  then when they come back they have to have 2 tests each one the day they come back and one a couple of days later. I think she was a bit shocked how much it cost her.

It's been a dull day, cool with occasional drizzle of rain so not much gardening except a bit of dead heading of the roses, and I picked some tomatoes for the Welsh Rarebit we had for tea on toasted sourdough bread. Otherwise did lots of those little jobs that need doing indoors and also had an hour reading.

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