
By Marionb

Season of Mists...

...and Mellow Fruitfulness

I love it, but NOT YET! 

Of all the photos I took today - water, waves, reflections, clouds, crayfish, docks, boats, all the "cottagey" things, it was this one that stood out.  I stumbled across it out on the point early this morning while taking shots of the rising sun. I was smitten with the colours and the light, but horrified that it may very well be the harbinger of autumn!  Already?  

But then, there is a change in the air. After those thunderstorms last night, we woke up this morning to a world still dripping from last night's rain and to boats in need of bailing...but the heat and the humidity had gone. The sun was warm but not hot, and there was a strong breeze off the water; it was perfect for sitting out on the dock with a good book or snoozing in the hammock - with a quilt. It will be a comfortable night for last! 

It does feel as if autumn is near...and it will be welcome, but just not yet......there is still so much more summer to enjoy!  


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