Pink flower (Day 2308)

A day spent on the bathroom re-fit started off with pulling off sheets of tiled plasterboard then replacing sheets of plasterboard. With the first of the plasterboarding done and out of the way, I set about framing out the wall which will be at the tap end of the bath. The main soil stack is in that corner of the room and I did loads of measuring to make sure I could get the space to fit the bath without having to cut it into the walls. The framing was further complicated by the waste from the toilet passing through the space, meaning the frame work couldnt extend to the floor. I joiner would have had it done in no time at all, but it took me a fair while. 
First fix pipework for the shower will have to be done before the wall is plasterboarded, a job for tomorrow. The customer has assured me that the bath is a standard size, but couldnt remember how wide it was when I asked today. It has been stored in a garage a fair way from the house, and when I went along to check the width of the bath so I will know where to put the shower valve, I found that the bath is not standard at all. It is narrower and shorter than a standard bath. I should have checed earlier as it would have made my wall framing a fair bit easier.
Back home without a blip I liked the way the sunlight sparkled on a pink flower.
An evening on the couch with my beautiful wife seems like a fine way to round off a busy day.             

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