Mall of Dilmunia

Decided I needed to get out and a change of scenery was in order. This mall has only opened quite recently. I ended up standing under this sky ceiling for quite a while. Made up of huge screens with amazing scenes.

Looking forward to seeing more shops opening up there

Corona Virus Update
Bahrain recorded 87 new cases, 0 fatalities and 110 recoveries today.

All schools across the kingdom suspended in-person classes on February 26 last year,
Parents have been given the option to send their children back to school or receive online education under Orange, Yellow and Green levels.
Attendance should not exceed 30 per cent in Orange and 50pc in Yellow of the total capacity while it can be 100pc in Green.
Around 75,000 students have registered to attend in-person classes.
Around 146,000 government school students and 80,000 private school students would start the new 2021-2022 academic year next week.

Australian authorities on Wednesday extended the Covid-19 lockdown in Melbourne for another three weeks, as they shift their focus to rapid vaccination drives 
New South Wales state, home to Sydney, on Wednesday brought forward its target date to fully vaccinate 70% of people above 16 to the middle of next month 
Australia has  just over 55,000 cases and 1,012 deaths.

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