River of Flowers

By doffy

Wednesday: Garden Assistant Returns!

There’s a “shopping list” on the kitchen windowsill, I jot down anything we need and by this morning it was quite a long list, so I drove to the place with the long name.
Bought local potatoes at the farm shop and some local honey - can’t do without my teaspoon of honey to start every day, I’ve persuaded myself that it keeps me healthy!
Then the Co-op where I stocked up on fruit & veg and general groceries, nothing fancy today :-(
Did some family history for an hour or so after lunch, then had an hour of gardening. 
Potted on the red Italian chicory, American land cress, red veined sorrel - I’m thinking winter salads. 
There are some very weedy, slug-nibbled sprouting broccoli seedlings, which I’ve potted on and sealed in a large plastic box - hopefully they’ll grow enough to survive the winter for early spring greens.
Whilst I was busy with my plants and pots and compost my friendly garden Robin was darting about grabbing and guzzling tasty wriggly treats, got a little song too!
Very cold this evening, MrD has a sweatshirt on! He was back at work today on his deliveries.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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