Born in a Hurricane!

And then came Hurricane Ida. And it rained and it rained and it rained some more! I could see all three of the monarch chrysalises from inside the house, and they were all completely dark. Would this soaking wet, rainy day be their birthday? It sure didn't look like it at first! It appeared as though they were holding on tight, hoping for better weather! (Weren't we all!?)

But then by mid-afternoon, the rain started to move out, and butterfly action suddenly began to happen. I'd been on the phone chatting with my parents, and when I got off the phone, around 2:25, the first butterfly started to emerge (this is called eclosing)! It took its good old time, and I watched it for about an hour, taking pictures, oohing and aahing. A brand new butterfly, born in a hurricane!

Then, around 4:20, the second butterfly emerged, but it came out so quickly that I barely was able to capture any of the early part of it. Bing bam boom! Brand new butterfly! Wow, that one didn't waste any time. What a no-nonsense butterfly!

And finally, around 5 p.m., out came this one, new monarch number 3! Welcome to your brand new wings, baby! When a monarch butterfly emerges, its body is very big and thick and the butterfly pumps liquid into its wings. The face on this one almost reminded me of a bat, which made me giggle!

I am writing this on Thursday morning. The rain has passed, and the weather here is gorgeous: cool and crisp and sunny, almost like fall! And I have three brand new butterflies hanging out on the Mexican sunflowers on the deck, waiting to try out those brand new wings!!! Today will be the day they fly, fly, fly!!!

Mama loves you, babies!
Fly high and strong, my beautiful, beautiful butterflies!

I have THREE new butterflies now, born in a hurricane. So I am allowing myself three songs for this day:

John Hiatt, Loving a Hurricane.
Antonio Banderas and Madonna, High Flying Adored, from Evita.
Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks, with Learning to Fly.

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