Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

Billy's View

I woke early this morning, looked out the window, and snow was falling steadily! Last news report I heard yesterday was for pouring rain, not snow.... I got dressed quickly and went to the local Tesco just up the road for 7am, got my few bits and came home again, thankfully without falling on the steps to the store which were rather slippery!

So my blip today is a mad Mr Billy sitting on the doorstep....oh ever so keen to go out, but once he got there he's twitching his tail. Eventually he came in again, only to want to go out, but each time he just sat there twitching his tail! Its no use Billy, if you want to go out, but don't go out, you might just have to use that litter tray after all. Now he's curled up in bed asleep :)

Did a bit of faffing around in neon, and put a border in! Can anyone tell me why the border is in black and white, when on Picasa its just black as I wanted it to be?

I did try one or two other shots, but none of them really worked out! My macro setting on the camera is not strong enough for snowy/icy close ups, not sure how to improve that unless its to do with f stops and things?

Stuffed Butternut Squash is cooking in the slow cooker for dinner tonight and now I'm back in bed having a rest. Feeling a bit shaky today, not sure why, but I think I'm entitled to rest anyway.

I need to file some paperwork and make some storage boxes available for tomorrow for some friends moving house next Thursday!

Other than that, more r and r in front of the TV! Holiday day 2 :)

Stay safe folks and have a good day :) Its not nice out there at all!

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