adventure calls

Little Zeke off for a hike to Edale with Daddy for an overnight camp. I decided to drive them up the Chunal to save a bit of climbing for Zeke’s 6 year old legs. It was a more dramatic 5 minute car ride than I’d envisaged because our roof box fell off the car - not that we noticed, a very nice man hurtled up the road flashing his lights to alert us. Thankfully no-one hurt (and no real damage) but it was a bit alarming to say the least!


1. Film night with Eve once she got back from athletics;
2. Park fun with Isaac - the boy is almost confused by 1:1 time, bless him;
3. FaceTimes with Zeke once he made it to camp - he wanted to compare notes on everything we’d eaten whilst apart, he’s potentially going to grow into the sort of person you could wile away hours chatting nonsense with.

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