One Last Hurrah.

Tomatoes are done. Aubergines still flowering but too late in the season for more fruit. Peppers munched by some predator (good harvest this year though). Time to clean out the greenhouse, give the grass one last cut and I can switch off the garden until next year. (Well, still an artichoke harvest after a couple of frosts - then it is our annual soup fest).

Mrs FP going to the first meeting of the Women's Institute tomorrow, first in over a year and a half. It is being held outdoors under strict covid conditions - so no trays of scones and jam. In case of inclement weather they asked if we could erect our big pergola. We had a dress rehearsal a couple of weeks ago. What a farce! Took us ages to put it up. It took me 20 minutes to get the bloody thing back in the bag! 

Hey ho, hope it is not blowing a hoolie.

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