Finally ....

..... we made it to Sezincote!

It was a bit of a spur of the moment decision to go, and the traffic was bad, so we didn't have time for cake. There was enough time for a tour of the garden before we did the house visit. We booked the last slot of the day and there were only seven of us. We had trouble getting out at the end as there was a rehearsal taking place for a wedding there tomorrow. It's a lovely venue for a wedding. Must mention it to daughter#2.

The second extra shows mrsfb negotiating the stepping stones under the Indian Bridge. What an adventurer she is!

In other news I had another call from the estate agent this morning. Apparently the enquiry which is holding up the sale of the FIL's house relates to a lease, dated 1864. They can't find a copy. Hopefully it will be resolved next week. At least the agent has got the message and is keeping us informed.

One year ago:
Sheep In The Rain

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