Naked in the Rain

By taude

The photo that could have been.

On Wednesday night mountain bike rides, we've been planning on pulling out hte big cameras to get a quality blip of us riding bikes -- see previous Wednesday night photos. I dragged a backpack full of gear out to the suburbs: a couple of flashes, remote triggers, my 70-200 lens, a clamp, some gels, etc...

Guerra and I have been talking all week about getting a good blip. We ventured out to a spot that we had been scoping for awhile, set up all the equipment. Threw some CTO warming gels on the strobes, mounted one to my Gorillapod tripod, and then planned how to light the front, and then throw a little rim light behind the bike rider.

Everything so far, so good. I walk down to the fiver with the camera, start firing a couple shots to work on the flash ratios, and then I notic the dreaded "NO CF Card" message flashing on the back of my camera.

Yes, it was left at home. Packed up and went riding.

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