Autumn Beach

A fine calm day, some sunny spells, and some cloud.

Weekend off, and up early.  After breakfast, I met bro Jonny, and helped him load up his van with the new heating system for their Unst house.  Off we set, and headed to Unst.  While Jonny had other chores about the house, me and Sammy headed out walkies.  We popped by sister Julie and family, for a garden visit.  Arrived back home this evening, and got a call from NHS Shetland.  After finding out two close family members tested positive for Covid-19 this afternoon, I now have to self isolate.  I hope they recover quickly, and I'll hopefully get the PCR test tomorrow.  My LFT was negative again today.  Good job we stayed clear of shops and people today, and only saw Julie in the garden!  

As me and Sammy walked along the roads, we came across this beautiful colours on the beach.  The leaves should be green, but have turned lovely shades of reds and yellows, making it look very autumnal.  Taken along the shore near Buness, Baltasound, Unst.  

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