Lost and Found

Last night when we came home from our 'beer garden' gathering, the Fermob chairs from France that we had given up for lost were on our front porch. We've gotten to be good friends with Aaron, the man from the shop where we bought them, and he brought them by on his way home from work. We have turned the bubbler in the big pot off and drained the water into the garden. Although it has a a recirculating pump, we were still losing a lot of water to evaporation but I miss the sound of bubbling water. 

The new plants that we have planted since the fire are doing quite well with just the captured grey water from the shower, although we are back to lugging buckets of water around again despite the back up solar power to the well pump.

It was a total lost cause, but I went around with a wet cloth and wiped the black dust off three outdoor tables. We'll have to run around and use them all this evening before the black dust sneaks back in. It will only get worse when construction starts on both sides of us, but we're pleased that our neighbors are finally able to start rebuilding after almost a year.

We I seem to haunt outdoor stores, and we went to visit one here in town which just moved. It was like visiting old friends, and we loved the new space. They don't carry the Luxembourg chairs shown here but they did have a nice supply of other Fermob pieces in this color called cactus. I had my eye on a loveseat in the same style as several others we have scattered around and they are in stock. I talked to Jeff about the difficulty of getting things, especially things from Europe or Asia right now. He said he was being advised to place his orders for spring now as everything is 6 to 9 months out. Instant gratification is hard to come by....

I cleared out the credenza on our porch which is meant to hold outdoor eating supplies but has become instead a repository for garden tools...clippers, dirty gloves, sweaty hats and hand trowels. It's really too dirty to store anything meant to eat off of out there but I put all the garden stuff in the closed door cupboards, and will try to prevail on John to put everything in there. The man seems to have an allergy to opening or closing doors or drawers, preferring to leave it all on top or on the open shelves. He also has the pump house, the garage and the shed on three different levels but still prefers this spot. I wonder if I could give him a gold star for keeping it out of sight....

Time to go have our glass of wine. Will it be the outdoor porch off the kitchen, the bistro table off our bedroom or the dining table and new chairs outside the TV room? 

Stay tuned for the next exciting episode....

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