Evening With Sunflowers

I'm glad I could fit the corner of the house in, so you can see how tall these sunflowers are. They're past their prime, but still cherished by lots of little birds and a couple of rowdy squirrels who hang upside down and snap off the seed heads. There's going to be a huge empty space when we finally take down the stalks, but that won't happen for awhile yet. Lots more entertainment to be had from the creatures.

Started processing tomatoes today. I've got a batch in the dryer and I also tried slow roasting a trayful with olive oil and herbs. Next up will be canning, but I've go to be a little more energetic to make that work.

I just looked at this entry and it's terribly out of focus. I compared it to the much sharper original in Photos, and I have no explanation. Ive heard a few folks over the years comment that their entries were soft, but never saw that myself. Does anybody have anything to say about that?

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