Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Spring Captured

So Ferd and me got to go play in the snow there a couple of snow pictures of him here

I decided that I would make it my mission to find a shot that summed up the juxtaposition of winter and spring. I think I did pretty well, what do you think? More of my efforts are here

Looking around with eyes open its easy to see that spring is not quite ready, everyone seems to be moaning that its spring so why is it so cold and snowing. Well I am sorry but it doesn't work like that, the weather doesn't look at the calender and think oh look time for me to put my winter things away.

Take a walk out there with your eyes open and its clear to see that spring is just not ready to emerge in her full glory.

The crone is yet to give up her grip and make way for the maiden. But the wheel turns and soon the crone will step aside, the maiden will reign until its time for the birth and the mother, the cycle goes on.

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