My Best Efforts - Year 3



............was at my wits end for a blip today but we have a new florist recently opened in the village and I went there this afternoon to buy a potted plant for S who was so kind when I had my fall. While I was looking round and choosing something, I spotted several of these roses. I rather tentatively asked if I could possibly take some photos of some or one of them! Yes!!! with pleasure. I was saying how people liked droplets on them - she walked into the back of the shop and came back with a spray - now that's what I call service beyond the call of duty! The shop sells other pretty things as well so she now has a new, reasonably regular customer! What a star.

Nothing new on the weather front - cold (temperature 0 deg C), occasional fine snow, hail and very windy.

Have as good a weekend as the weather permits and stay warm.

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