The birds weren't cooperating today!

I'm not sure how the birds dare play hard to get given the amount of food we've put out for them today. Each time I tried opening the upstairs window for a photograph they promptly disappeared or hid behind a branch. My best shot wasof a blackbird trying to decide how to get under the roof of the bird table to collect chopped up fatball. But then blackbirds, being black, and there being all that snow around didn't make for an easy exposure. (I've got one image that's just about passable!)

The day began with me digging out acres of snow so that I could move my car from a neighbours parking place, where I'd slithered to a halt late yesterday afternoon after a visit to see Mum. Most of the roads were fine until I got about three miles from home and then it all became a nightmare - I think I was lucky to get back or at least not to have to walk the last few miles home.

And yes, I've fed the birds and fed the birds some more. And given the Parish newsletter a new DTP'd look - which I'm very pleased with. Just waiting for the seal of approval now.

And I'm thinking I might work on my final images for the `red' competition. I've abandoned peppers and dragon fruit and all that other fruit stuff in favour of a couple of other images. And, there's a whole lot of `and's' here, what did my teacher tell me? `Never start a sentence with And :( !!! So having picked up some inspiration from last Wednesdays talk at the Photography Club I'm going to try something a little different (and no it's not red snow!)

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