Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Back to normal...

Twelve days of rain then along came yesterday's sunshine - beautiful!  Perhaps it was the return of our Indian summer (am I allowed to say Indian?)  Woke up this morning,  looked out of the window and the drizzle and murk had returned.  

I also felt rather bloated!  I think I indulged too much this weekend, devouring the chocolate peanuts and remaining M&M's during the F1 GP,  licking out the tarragon cream sauce bowl after dinner and to my great embarrassment, eating the best part of a Cadbury's chocolate bar during an hour of BBC Vigil and a pre-recorded Vera. ( If you haven't tried their new Fizzy Cherry Cadbury milk bar you're missing something wonderful.)  But I have to admit I feel rather full this morning.

My carer, MrsDB,  banned me from sweets and sugary stuff for the rest of the week and instructed me to walk off some of my stodge with a brisk 2 mile walk.  I also grabbed a Blip shot. 

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