St Giles’ Church, Bodiam

Susan went for a swab test prior to a hospital appointment on Friday. (routine) She now has to self isolate until then. It didn’t apply to me so I’m on caring duties tonight.

We’re leading a walk for the High Weald Walking Festival week on Thursday 16th September called “In the footsteps of the hoppers”

The walk starts from Bodiam, which was a centre for hop picking in Kent with trains coming down from the East End of London for a working holiday in the hop gardens.

We tested out a route a few weeks ago only to find there was a nasty section of road to negotiate. Today, I went to recce an alternative course. It turns out to be a little better although I will need to take secateurs with me to force a route through one section. I emerged scratched and hot from forging the path.

As the walk starts at Bodiam on the KSER it would have been rude not to include a shot of a train leaving the station. Today’s blip is another landmark in the walk, that of St Giles’ Bodiam.

After the caring duties, it’s time for Marmite which I’m hoping will be fun!

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