Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

The Starlings were singing this morning.

The Feast Day of St. Peter Claver and St Ciaran.
I was expecting it to be milder today, but it is very warm and humid with a temperature of 23c.
I have some alone time with Arthur because Paul has driven to see his parents and help with meals and shopping.
He returns Sunday. It was raining in Surrey when we had a  phone chat.
I went for a long walk as far as the park and had a lovely chat with a lady I have known for a long time from the Church and knitting group. She was walking a delightful happy wire haired Jack Russell. I like dogs that are kind and especially small ones who don't expect a big fuss.
I strolled along and took several photos of the current scene in Nature.
The big Silver Maple tree is changing from green to gold and red russet shades. Some gardeners have cleared away their Summer bedding plants, and there are sweet peas, apples, pears and blackberries growing at the community food project as well.
Thanks for visiting my site blip friends and have a good evening.
I rarely take photos because there is a beautiful sound element to them, but this one of the starlings singing together touched my heart and I wanted to honour them by making it the blip posting today.

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