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All through the summer I have hardly baked at all.  Partly it's hot anyway and standing over a hot oven is not much fun. Partly it's that bread is not really a summer food for me.
Anyway, today it was raining and chilly, we need to provide some breakfast bread for a group of friends on Sunday, and I was already thinking of baking when Jan suggested it. Definitely time to get going again!
All this bread is made with yeast, though half the rolls and the flat round of bread has som old sourdough starter to give it a richer taste. I hadn't thought about this far enough in advance to set my sourdough going, so today it is yeast bread.
Both batches tasted fine, though the second batch (more salt and the old, sour starter) was tastier.  I was experimenting with shapes and techniques, inspired by the methods used by Jan in her bread making.
Now nearly all that bread is in the freezer!

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