Tales of the Unexpected

I got an early call from the supermarket asking if it was ok to deliver our groceries a few hours earlier than our slot, as they were having some problems. I had nothing planned that made this a problem so I said it was fine.
A little later, I noticed a Bank Vole scuttling about in the garden - the first for a while - so I got my camera and went out to see if I could get a shot. I'd been waiting a few minutes when I noticed a Dragonfly (Southern Hawker) patrolling the pond area so I went to sit by the pond in the hope of getting a shot. It stayed for ages, but didn't settle. After a little while, we were joined by a Sparrowhawk - the closest yet at only a few feet away on the flowerbed (extra). I say for quite a while and both the Dragonfly and the Sparrowhawk hung around until I had to move to take delivery of my groceries. The delivery man handed me a bottle of fizz as a thank you for my being flexible about the time.

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