Big Hill

By bighill

Tall Wine Cups!

The other day I had the idea to make some taller wine cups, that would fit into the cup holders on beach chairs.....ta they are, the first little batch.

It's been so muggy and humid today.....very overcast and rained a bit.  I had a delightful group of women come to the studio this morning to see how pottery is made!  Covered By Hope is the only women based recovery facility in Cape Breton, actually it might be in Nova Scotia!!!   Anyway, a few years ago i started making small bowls for them to sell as candle holders.   The Hope House is an amazing facility, housing up to 9 women who are in recovery from some kind of addiction!   They learn all sorts of life skills, business skills and how to live a life free from addiction!  

There were 6 women today, plus Jessie, who basically runs the programs and was one of the first residents at the house!   They were so enthusiastic and we spent about 1 1/2 hours together, mostly me throwing on the wheel and talking!  They are very brave young women for sure, tackling addiction has to be such a challenge ..... but they all seemed to be doing really well!

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