
By DonMac21

AUOB: March for Independence

A busy morning in Stirling today: Police everywhere, and many road closures for the AUOB march. A colourful, noisy lot; but not the kind of turnout you would expect, maybe 500-600 people. 
However, I'm sure they'll pick up numbers along the way, as they head for a gathering and activities up at Bannockburn.
Main is the march heading off from the old bridge in Stirling.
A young man's placard caught my eye (extras): Trident has always been unpopular, funding green jobs is a new development, as is 'keep the oil in the soil'. Changed days indeed.
I felt a smidgeon of shame that I wasn't marching with them; on the other hand, Scotland is currently in such a political black hole, that no march is going to fix it.  

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