Pulling strings…

after a great afternoon out with chums at a small, local brewery event I was invited by one for a final snifter…at the local Masonic lodge! Now I’m clueless about such things, with aprons, much regalia and ancient rites and strangely biblical customs all a mad mystery. However, the chum whose guest we were is ex Scots Guards, moved in diplomatic circles and joined a military lodge in St James many years ago as it was a sort of leveller between officers and other ranks.

So it was fascinating to have a drink in the blandest sort of club bar, (feeling incredibly young!), then get invited to view their 350 year old inner sanctum/chamber, which was jam packed full of Masonic history and paraphernalia.

It’s made me mildly more informed, but absolutely no more interested in joining such a place, as it smacks of comical adherence to ridiculous ritualistic practices, and despite some of the charitable outputs, is really just a boys advantage club

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