Heritage open day.

We went today to Horncastle to the headquarters of the Joseph Banks Society. Joseph Banks was born in Horncastle in Lincolnshire in 1743 and died 1820 and was a famous botanist in his day dispatching explorers and botanists to many parts of the world and through the collections of plants brought back Kew Gardens became arguably the most famous botanical Gardens in the world. He went with Captain Cook on HMS Endeavour and undertook many sea voyages himself bringing back many plants that today we take for granted.
He made beautiful drawings of plants and Kew has the national collection of plants and a herbarium of preserved plant specimens. Lincolnshire is currently adding to this herbarium by recording and preserving plants in Lincolnshire. See my extra which is a recent addition showing sea lavender which I have blipped before.
This is a photo of AJ doing what he enjoys best - - reading signs!!

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