River of Flowers

By doffy

Lazy Sunday

Had a lie in until 8 o’clock.
Light showers until late morning then dry enough to put the washing outdoors.
Emptied the books from my car’s boot, also high-viz jacket and wet weather clothing. It’s ready for tomorrow’s trip to the garage. 
MrD went out on his motorised push bike and saw 2 old friends of mine: the wife worked upstairs when I worked at a language unit at the university, the husband was in the same office when I worked at the power station, lovely people.
There’s a bindweed in flower on the fence, when I took the photo I thought it looked rather Victorian gothic, messed around with some filters.
Someone was supervising me - see extra!!
Fish&Chips for tea.
Stay safe & healthy & happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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