Garden transitioning winter to spring

There's so much to see (and do) in the garden as it transitions from winter to spring.

My dwarf peach blossoms survived the big winds a couple of nights ago. I hope they survive tomorrows forecast winds.

Azara microphylla, the branches with the small yellow flowers on the underside, has the most amazing vanilla scent late winter and spring.

The Australian grevillea Mt Tamboritha has helped change my mind about pink flowers. It flowers throughout winter and the bees love it. It requires little from me and is a fantastic ground cover.

My dwarf leucodendron has long lasting flowers. I was a slightly disappointed that it's predominantly yellow but this year the flowers have a red tinge.

Podocarpus aurea totara 'Aurea' will need a trim in the next couple if months to maintain its Japanese cloud tree shape. I've chopped back the leptonella platts black ground cover from its trunk. It's amazing how such a little plant can draw nutrients away from a tree.

I'm glad that I went with a mix of NZ natives and exotics in my garden.

Because of yesterday's covid test for what is likely a mild cold, I couldn't meet with friends to celebrate a birthday. I did bake my famous crackers amd I know they'll be appreciated.

Today's gratitude: For a Saturday where I'm free from the usual work time extras.

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