
By HareBrain


and that's just how Mr T and I feel after yesterday's decorating splurge and we're still hard at it - well T is doing more than me, but I have to be on hand with mugs of tea, helping to move heavy items of furniture etc., etc. - the most difficult thing to move is our king size mattress which seems to have a mind of its own. We had to sleep on it on the floor last night and as there's still lots more to do in the bedroom we will probably be on the floor again tonight. The other bedroom is crammed full of 'stuff', so no room to sleep there either!!

Now the loo's broken down - happy days.

PS: Quite glad I'm back to work tomorrow!!

PPS. Mr T's head injury was not as bad as it looked, thank you, no trip to A&E necessary, but he'll have yet another scar. The last really bad one was from a Glider wing which swung round and caught him a very nasty blow on the side of the head and he sustained a KO too. More exciting to talk about though when explaining how you got a particular scar!!

PPPS: its still snowing abit and I haven't got time to get an outside blip so 'the wilting tulip' it will have to be.

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