Protest chic

On 16th March I documented one of the Norwich protests against the 'Bedroom Tax' (we had two!) and there are to be many, many demonstrations held up and down the country on Saturday 30th March, the last Saturday before before the Tax comes into force on 1st April.

Throughout the land banners are being made and other creative projects undertaken. Prompted by various conversations and things I've seen written in various locations here is my creative offering: in 20 minutes and using scraps of felt and my sewing skills I've customised an old boiler suit. The kind of thing that many a long-standing feminist has had in her wardrobe for years, alongside the dungarees. It's just a shame that it's somewhat snug on me so I've gifted it to a fellow activist. He's a bit taller and slimmer than me so it should be a perfect fit. Note: I did not design the logo.

Hopefully I will have a photo of it in action on Saturday in Norwich.

To be honest, though, I would much rather be in London on Saturday as there is to be an action entitled 'The Shirts off Our Backs' where protesters are going to leave a pile of shirts as a gift to the Prime Minister. Alas, I do not have the money for the train fare. Otherwise, I would have been down there like a rat up a drainpipe to take full advantage of what promises to be an extremely photo-tastic event.

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