Hike around Hackfall. 
John Aislabie bought Hackfall in 1731 & his son William set about transforming it into an ornamental landscape that would appear completely natural to the visitor. Many artists found inspiration at Hackfall; from romantic landscape painters such as Turner and Devis to modern-day Masham artist Ian Scott Massie. Much of what we know about Hackfall today comes from their diary notes, sketches and completed works. The area also became famous as a tourist destination during the European Tours taken by wealthy young men in the 18th century. 

Pictured is Fisher’s Hall. In a letter of 1777 the following mention of “Fishers” Hall appears;

“To compleat the Romance we adjourned…to Hackfall, spent the day amidst all the Luxuries that Nature has so lavishly poured out upon that delicious retreat … thus treated we did not forget to solace the animal part a little too in Fishers Hall … plentiful libations were poured …”.

We had our own “plentiful libations - see extra of view with a brew”

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