Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

A hectic day

Today was an incredibly busy day at work. You know, one of those days where you have a set of things to do and the list grows exponentially due to unforeseen issues. I had little time to blip since a midday blip was out of the question and I left too late for an evening blip. Fortunately, I stopped in the AM for a shot, and had hoped to add to my options later in the day.

This is a pile of fence cross beams sitting at a farm. They must use this to repair the fence when it breaks and there was a matching pile of fence posts.

One other piece of good news is that I am taking tomorrow off and so have a long weekend! The only downside is that I will have limited Internet access and so may have to back blip and bypass commenting for the next few days. I apologize and will be sure to catch up next week.

I like this shot because it is a bit out of the norm for me. I chose this because of the interesting shapes, patterns and textures.

Channel mixer layer for B&W conversion
Curves layer to increase contrast

Constructive criticism always welcome

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