By lizzie_birkett

Parrot Fashion!

The highlight of my day was this!
We moored up in Skipton basin this morning and we’re chatting to Adam from Pennine Cruisers when he pointed over to the car park and said ‘Look, parrots!’
I grabbed my phone and hot footed it over the car park.
There was a couple their with 3 Macaws - the man had two on his shoulders and the woman had one.
I was enthralled by them. The man told me to hold my arm out and one just walked on to it. They were such lovely, gentle and funny birds. The couple were in a mobile home and said the birds just sit on their perch in the back. They take them everywhere even in shops. I went back to the boat and told Frank to come and see them and I took Bella too. The Macaws were used to dogs and Bella was fascinated by them. It made my day to be so close up to such magnificent birds.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in town.
•Collecting my new varifocals.
•Getting prints done of my drawing.
•Sorting out my on line banking - the staff in the bank have been so helpful and patient.
•Buying fruit and veg on the market
•Buying a T shirt in Fat Face with Queen Bee motif on the front - I love it!
•Buying Spring bulbs from Yorkshire Trading

Tonight is tap dancing.

Re the knitting. I sewed up both shoulders before knitting the neckline! I think I will have to unpick one side - or maybe do it on a circular needle?

More tomorrow ;-)X

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