
I LOVE Revels. They are my ultimate favourite chocolate sweet. I even love the coffee flavour but the flat ones are my favourite favourite.

That completes todays challenge word of 'On my Plate'.

I do feel like I have quite alot on my plate at the moment but I think we are getting there.

DN2 asked me to go and see her last night after the incident that happened on Tuesday. She was still upset by it and it was affecting her being able to eat. We had an honest chat and both of us got stuff off our chests. She was upset that I had not told her that Sam was smoking again. If she knew he was smoking then she wouldn't have allowed him to hold Baby J. The last time she saw him he was using a Vape. She is the biggest anti-smoker ever. I used to be and I know she's got that off me. The last time he had a cigarette was at least 2 hours before we saw Baby J but she said that was still too soon and was surprised at me for allowing Sam to hold the baby knowing he had had a cigarette that day. Ive tried to google details on whats a safe time scale to hold a baby after having a cigarette but the information seems to be all personal preference so I guess it would have been best to tell her but in my head, a cigarette smoked 2 hours ago was not posing a risk to Baby J. I under estimated how DN2 felt about smoking and should have been more thoughtful. 

We also spoke about her relationship with Mr W and what happened to make them fall out. Its the 1st time we had spoken about it. She desperately wants to make up so that she can visit freely with Baby J as she's worried I will miss out on his growing up. I told her that was now between her and him and gave her what I think is the best way to approach it. Fingers crossed it works. I want nothing more than to have their issues resolved. 

So much was spoken about. Some she agreed with, some she didn't but it ended with us agreeing we shall never fall out, to put it all behind us and move on without any awkwardness. She said she felt better and felt she could eat some dinner. 

We have been watching the harrowing series about 9/11, Survivors Stories on National Geographic. Its such difficult watching but compelling. (The 1st episode is the worst)  Did you know that it was actually the 2nd tower to be hit to collapse 1st??? I didn't. How have I gone 20 years not knowing that??

And today I won £25 on the Premium Bonds. Premium Bonds I bought 30 years ago for £10!!! Chuffed. That's my wages sorted for this month!!!

1.    New
2.    White
3.    Feet
4.    Flower
5.    Sleeping
6.    Tiny
7.    Cotton
8.    Steps
9.    My Favourite....
10.  Looking Down
11.  Cake
12.  Family
13.  Numbers
14.  Wood
15.  2pm
16.  On Your Plate
17.  Handmade
18.  Heart
19.  Animal
20.  Mug
21.  Reflection
22.  Open
23.  Landscape
24.  Bokeh
25.  A Picture
26.  Above me
27.  Water
28.  Pattern
29.  Autumn
30.  A Selfie !!

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