A day of changing plans

It had snowed heavily overnight, everywhere was white - I woke up still fed up that we hadn't been able to get down to my brother's yesterday evening.

As we hadn't been expecting to be at home we were a bit short on supplies so we headed through the snow into town pulling Lottie along on her sledge. We stocked up, had a treat in Costa and walked back again.

All day I kept thinking should we go, the main roads are ok, but I didn't think my idea would go down well. Finally, at about 4, I decided to say something and my wonderful hubby, who knew how much it meant to me, was quite receptive. I rang my brother, disrupted their plans again, and packed faster than I ever have before!

The journey wasn't bad, a bit murky in patches, and we got down in one piece. We dropped Lottie there and then went off to find our hotel for the night, which had been part of the plan. We had a nice meal and a few drinks although it was strange not to have a little person with us! I finally started to chill a bit.

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